从1969年诺贝尔经济学奖首发至本届,共有53名经济学家获此殊荣,其中美国获奖的经济学家占一半还多,为35人 瑞典皇家科学院10月8日宣布,将2003年诺贝尔经济学奖授予美国经济学家罗伯特·恩格尔和英国经济学家克莱夫·格兰杰,以表彰他们在“分析经济时间数列”研究领域所做出的突出贡献。
From the 1969 Nobel Prize for Economics to the current session, a total of 53 economists won the award, of which the United States more than half of economists, accounting for more than 35 people The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced on October 8, 2003 The Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to Robert E. Engel, a U.S. economist, and Clive Granger, a British economist, in recognition of their outstanding contributions in the area of “analyzing the time series of economics.”