到过南极的人都有一个共同的感受,就是尽管那里环境恶劣,生活单调枯燥,然而身体却很健康。没有得传染病的,也没有患感冒发烧的。若是有人划破手指或轻度外伤,医生只要简单处理一下即可,不必担心伤口感染化脓或得破伤风。据医学专家考证,在南极洲,人即使患有其他方面的疾病,治疗用药的剂量也比其他大陆要少,好得也快。 产生这种现象的根本原因,是由于南极洲是一个“洁白无瑕”的世界,是地球上的最后一片净土,惟一没有受到人为污染的大陆。那里的空气、水、土壤、冰
People who have visited Antarctica have a common feeling that although the environment is harsh and life is monotonous and boring, the body is very healthy. No infectious disease, nor fever. If someone scratches a finger or has a mild trauma, the doctor can simply handle it without worrying about a wound infection or tetanus. According to medical experts, in Antarctica, even if people suffer from other diseases, the dosage of therapeutic drugs is less than that of other continents. It is also good and fast. The root cause of this phenomenon is that Antarctica is a “white and unblemished” world, the last pure land on Earth, and the only continent that has not been subject to artificial pollution. Where air, water, soil, ice