加强会计监督 用好涉农资金

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2015年4月,财政部发布《关于开展涉农资金专项整治行动的实施意见》,决定深入查处、纠正涉农资金使用管理中的违规违纪违法问题,提高涉农资金管理水平和使用效益,促进强农惠农富农政策落地生根,加快农业现代化和新农村建设步伐。近年来,各项惠农政策频频出台,扶植资金和专项拨款的规模越来越大。然而,在一些农村,国家的扶植资金和专项拨款并没有真正落实到农民手中,涉农资金被贪污、截留、挪用等问题屡见报端。过去十多年时间中,我国大多数农村地区推行了村级会计委托代理,这一举措在一定程度上缓解了农村 In April 2015, the Ministry of Finance released the Opinions on Implementing Special Remediation Actions Related to Agriculture-related Funds, and decided to investigate and rectify violations of laws and regulations in the management of the use of agricultural-related funds in an in-depth manner so as to improve the management and utilization benefits of agricultural-related funds and promote Strong Agriculture, Farmers and Rich Peasants policies take root and accelerate the pace of agricultural modernization and new rural construction. In recent years, various preferential agricultural policies have been promulgated frequently, and the scale of supporting funds and earmarked funds has been increasing. However, in some rural areas, the state’s funds for construction and earmarked appropriations have not really been implemented in the hands of peasants. The problems of corruption, interception and misappropriation of agricultural-related funds are frequently reported. Over the past decade or so, the majority of rural areas in our country have implemented village-level accounting entrustment agencies, a measure that has eased the rural areas to a certain extent