今年的第21届上海电视节上,据称“IP”一词出现频次达300次以上。然而,何谓IP?恐怕绝大多数国人都一头雾水。IP是英语“Intellectual Property”的缩写,意为“知识产权”。一个正规、严谨的经济与法律名词,被丢在影视传媒业这个大众文化的熔炉里,词性和意涵不断发生变化而日益丰富,几乎成了一个万花筒。当代中文语境中,影视圈的一干人不要直
At the 21st Shanghai Television Festival this year, it is said that the word “IP” appeared more than 300 times. However, what is IP? I am afraid most people are confused. IP is an acronym for English “Intellectual Property ”, which means “Intellectual Property ”. A formal, rigorous economic and legal terms, was thrown in the mass media of the media industry, the melting pot, part of the word and meaning constantly changing and increasingly rich, almost became a kaleidoscope. Contemporary Chinese context, the film and television business people do not straight