在单巷长距离掘进中,必须向掘进面不断地送入充足的新鲜风量,将污浊空气排除到作业区外,以确保工人的安全和身体健康。现就观音堂煤矿掘进情况,对单巷长距通风做进一步探索。 1981年观音堂煤矿在17区单巷掘进中,用一台11千瓦局扇,送风距离达1860米,工作面的有效风量为45米~3/分,满足了需要,为继续掘进,改用一台28千瓦局扇,到1983年5月送风距离达2340米,工作面的有效风量67米~3/分,风量仍满足需要,实现了安全生产,参看表1。
In single-lane long-distance excavation, sufficient fresh air volume must be continuously fed to the excavation face to remove the dirty air outside the work area to ensure the safety and health of workers. Now on Guanyintang coal mine tunneling, long distance ventilation of single lane to do further exploration. In 1981 Guanyintang Coal Mine in 17 single-lane excavation, with a 11 kilowatts Fan, the air supply distance of 1860 meters, the effective face of the air flow of 45 meters to 3 / min, to meet the need for continued excavation, change With a 28 kilowatts bureau fan, in May 1983 the air supply distance of 2340 meters, the face of the effective air volume 67 meters ~ 3 / min, the air volume is still to meet the need to achieve safety in production, see Table 1.