(一) 伊朗是亚洲西部地区重要的石油和天然气生产和出口国之一,矿物资源十分丰富,已探明的原油储量为929亿桶,约占世界总储量的9.3%。天然气的储量为20万亿立方米,仅次于俄罗斯居世界第二位。此外,还有铜和铁等其它矿业资源。近些年来,伊朗石油、化工工业的迅速发展不仅为其进一步扩大和发展民族经济起到了极大的推动作用,也为其积极引进外国先进技术和劳务提供了雄厚的物质基础。
(1) As one of the important oil and gas producing and exporting countries in western Asia, Iran is rich in mineral resources with a proven crude oil stock of 92.9 billion barrels, accounting for 9.3% of the world’s total reserves. Natural gas reserves of 20 trillion cubic meters, second only to Russia in the world second place. In addition, there are other mining resources such as copper and iron. In recent years, the rapid development of Iran’s oil and chemical industry has not only played a significant role in promoting its national economy, but also provided a solid material foundation for its active introduction of advanced foreign technologies and services.