
来源 :农产品市场周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dumpling
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据北京昌平水屯市场信息办对蔬菜价格的监测结果显示,上周蔬菜加权平均价格为1.57元/公斤,环比下降12.78%,同比下降7.1%;蔬菜加权平均价格已连续三周回落,并连续两周低于去年同期水平。在市场监测的近70余个蔬菜品种中,17种价格上涨,31种价格下跌。涨幅较大的三种蔬菜分别为:香菜、平菇和小白菜,上涨幅度为139.07%、48.82%和41.67%;跌幅较大的三种蔬菜分别为:大白菜、白豆角和云架豆,下降幅度为45.11%、40.71%和31.31%。 According to the Beijing Changping Shuitun Market Information Office of the monitoring of vegetable prices showed that the weighted average price of vegetables last week was 1.57 yuan / kg, down 12.78%, down 7.1%; vegetable weighted average prices have dropped for three consecutive weeks, and continuous Two weeks lower than the same period last year. Of the nearly 70 vegetable varieties monitored by the market, 17 have risen and 31 have fallen. The three varieties of vegetables with bigger gains were: coriander, mushroom and cabbage, with the increase rate of 139.07%, 48.82% and 41.67% respectively; the three vegetables with larger decrease were: Chinese cabbage, white beans and cloud-shelled beans, The decrease was 45.11%, 40.71% and 31.31% respectively.