Manufacturing Technology Research and Appraisal of Large-Diameter SSAW Pipe Applied to the West-East

来源 :工程科学:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fymgxlj
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This paper introduced the research and development of large-diameter SSAW pipes applied to West-East Pipeline project as well as domestic acicular ferrite pipeline steel of X70 grade. Its microstructure analysis was performed in comparison with the pipeli
Based on the laws of momentum conservation and impulse in accelerating process, the distribution on speed of ununiform slurry flow in a horizontal pipe was stud
连日来的高温天气,着实让人感觉到了蛊夏的来临。借着炎炎的暑气,饮料市场掀起了一场场促销“商战”,使整个夏天注定不再平静。  为了寻找那种一下子凉到心的快感,加上“再来一瓶”促销活动的诱惑,于是乎在家里冰箱中囤积了大量的康师傅冰绿茶。  中奖是一项运气活儿,从小到大买彩票只中过5块钱的我(其实只买过1次彩票,截止到目前中奖率达100%),在这次康师傅“再来一瓶”的促销活动中,20几瓶康师傅绿茶中,一
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×月×日星期一晴    经过一个多月的思考和设计,新房装修今天正式启动。第一项工作就是买材料。我去的是玉泉营居然之家,买了油漆、腻子、防水材料以及小五金等。还买了摩恩的水槽、淋浴器,看似很牛的摩恩原来还是可以砍价的。马桶和面盆原想在法恩莎和箭牌等中档品牌中选,法恩莎的特价马桶还得1300元,箭牌也没有合适的款式。正巧在美加华看到一款面盆还不错,可以抽出来洗头的龙头、大小合适的盆、简洁的柜体设计正是