The Workshop on Stripper-Gatherer Harvester, co-sponsored by CNRRI and IRRI, was held at CNRRI’s experimental station from Jul 12-14, 1994. At the workshop, head of IRRI’s Agricultural Engineering Dept, Dr Quick and his staff member, a consultant of Agricultural Engineering Division, IRRI,Mr Douthwaite explained how to operate a SG Harvester and its mechanics. They also demonstrated how to operate a SG Harvester to harvest rice for the participants from counties in Zhejiang Province on the paddy fields. The SG system is the product of a collaborative project to apply the technology to small-area
The Workshop on Stripper-Gatherer Harvester, co-sponsored by CNRRI and IRRI, was held at CNRRI’s experimental station from Jul 12-14, 1994. At the workshop, head of IRRI’s Agricultural Engineering Dept, Dr Quick and his staff member, a consultant of Agricultural Engineering Division, IRRI, Mr Douthwaite explained how to operate a SG Harvester and its mechanics. They also demonstrated how to operate a SG Harvester to harvest rice for the participants from counties in Zhejiang Province on the paddy fields. The SG system is the product of a collaborative project to apply the technology to small-area