”Peach Blossom Fan“ is based on the love story of Hou Fangyu, a famous literary person, and Li Xiangjun, a famous literary person of Qin Huai, and depicts the turbulent and short history of the establishment and destruction of the Hongguang dynasty of Nanming. In the words of the author, Kong Shangren, it is ”to borrow the feelings of separation and cooperation and to write about the sense of rise and fall." After the death of Nanming, Su Kunsheng, who was a widower, revisited the old capital of Nanjing and made a fuss over the past. He told a storytelling artist Liu Jingting who was a fisherman to sing a melancholy and compassionate song “Yan Jiangnan”: “You have seen Jinling Yudian Dawn. , Qinhuai Shuihua blooming early, who knows easily ice elimination! Seeing him from Zhulou, seeing him feast guests, seeing him building collapse!