【摘 要】
Outlook automotive technology trends a. Aluminum came back Until the mid-60s, aluminum has been an important metal material for cars. However, aluminum has almost disappeared because it can not be mass-produced. Audi Motor Co. decided to fully open its doors with this material by using aluminum to make its new, prestigious AS car structure. This material has many advantages, recyclable ...
Effect of Ti(iso-C3H7O)4 treatment on the photoinduced charge carrier kinetics of nanocrystalline porous TiO2 films is studied by time-resolved microwave conduc
The present book is intended to cover the theory and practice of one important branch in modern particle characterization technology light scattering methods.
Abundant ichthyoid remains, conodonts and holothurians sclerites were recovered near the Permian/Triassic boundary from a section south of Isfahan. Recovered ic
与海底火山相关的最大灾害之一不在于火山本身,而在于潜在的火山侧翼的塌陷(McGuire,1996;Moore,et al,1989)。这种侧翼塌陷可以酿成毁灭性的海啸,不仅会波及邻近地区,而且对
After the establishment of the global stratotype section and point (GSSP) of the Permian Triassic boundary (PTB), the definition of the accessory section and p
一、鄱阳盆地的形成 发生在中晚中生代(晚三叠世至白垩纪)的燕山运动形成了鄱阳湖断陷,奠定了中新生代鄱阳盆地的雏形。到喜马拉雅运动早期,盆地大部分地区隆起,老第三纪仅
As the theoretical foundationof organic chemistry, physi-cal organic chemistrymainly deals with the relationshipbetween structure, medium and thechemical and ph
ChemicalfixationofCO2 isofgreatinterestinconnectionwiththedevelopmentofatrulyenviron mentallybenignprocess ,sincethereismuchpossi bilityfortheuseofCO2 asasafean