As Italy entered the 18th century, its national strength was declining, and due to the intervention of foreign forces, the country continued to maintain a split situation. In the 18th century, Baroque art was in decline. Under the situation of splittism, the artistic styles of various places were also not uniform. , Mainly dominated by classicism, and continued to maintain a mighty realist force in various parts of North Italy. Northern Italy, especially Venice, was still politically and economically powerful at that time. In addition, with the economic and trade exchanges with the Middle East and the Near East, the society was still relatively prosperous. In addition, there was a strong tradition of realistic art in the North intentions. , The traditional influence of Tintoretto, Bassano, and Caravaggio can not be neglected.Because of the above reasons, it is not surprising that the art of prosperity will continue in Northern Italy and the art of realism can continue to develop The 18th century French Rococo art though