日前,杜蒙(上海)贸易有限公司与河南地区销售总代理联合举办的2013“Calvin Tracy”毛绒服装制品推介会在河南郑州市举行。杜蒙(上海)贸易有限公司是国内专业设计、生产仿动物毛皮服装的知名品牌服装公司,具有强大的产品开发和生产能力,拥有最好的毛绒面料和毛绒服装供应链资源,公司长期以来以“保护环境、关爱生灵”为核心价值观,以
Recently, Dumont (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. and sales agent in Henan Province jointly organized 2013 “Calvin Tracy ” plush clothing product promotion will be held in Zhengzhou, Henan. Dumont (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. is a well-known brand apparel company specializing in the design and manufacture of imitation animal fur garments. It has strong product development and production capabilities, and has the best supply of plush fabrics and plush clothing. The company’s long- To “protect the environment, care for the soul,” as the core values to