目的探讨运用规范化超声诊断早孕期(11~13~(+6)周)胎儿心脏异常的意义。方法运用早孕期规范化超声检查方法,通过观察胎儿心脏位置、心尖指向、心轴、心尖四腔切面及三血管气管切面等为线索,诊断胎儿心脏异常的阳性病例进行回顾分析。结果本组2 210例早孕期胎儿中超声发现胎儿心脏异常8例,其中位置异常4例:2例为异位心、1例右位心、1例右移心;心轴异常2例;心脏位置、心轴正常,仅心内结构异常2例。本组8例阳性病例全部经临床或病理解剖证实。早孕期漏诊心脏畸形1例。结论规范化超声可为早期发现胎儿心脏异常的诊断提供重要线索。
Objective To investigate the significance of using standardized ultrasound to diagnose fetal cardiac abnormalities in early pregnancy (11 ~ 13 ~ (+6) weeks). Methods By means of standardized ultrasound examination in early pregnancy, we retrospectively analyzed the positive cases of fetal cardiac abnormalities by observing fetal cardiac position, apical point, mandible, apical four-chamber view and trivascular tracheal section. Results In the group of 21 210 fetuses with early pregnancy, 8 cases of fetal cardiac abnormalities were found by ultrasound, including 4 cases with abnormal location: 2 cases of ectopic heart, 1 case of right heart and 1 case of right heart; 2 cases of cardiac abnormalities; heart Location, normal mandrel, only 2 cases of abnormal cardiac structure. All 8 cases of positive cases confirmed by clinical or pathological anatomy. A case of misdiagnosis of heart defects in early pregnancy. Conclusion Standardization of ultrasound can provide important clues for the early detection of fetal cardiac abnormalities.