“New Literary Historical Materials,” the fourth issue of 2011, published Wu Yongping’s article titled “The Whole Story of Earth and Others” (hereinafter referred to as “Wu Wen”), after reading it, it caused my sixty-five Some memories of years ago. And write it out, chatting for reference. I was originally a student of the Southwest Associated University. The Southwest Associated University took place in the 1937 Incident. Peking University, Tsinghua University and Nankai University all moved southward one after another, joining Changsha Interim University. The following year they moved to Kunming and renamed the Southwest United University, referred to as the General Assembly. I was a student admitted in 1943, studying in the Foreign Languages Department, to catch up with the last three years of the General Assembly. In 1946 the demobilization of the General Assembly, I left Kunming taught a one-year book, returned to Peking University in 1947 to return to the Western Department, seniors, graduated in 1948.