轻器械投掷项目的主要教学任务是建立正确的动作概念,形成正确的动作技术,发展力量,培养身体各部分协调用力的能力。下面介绍一组培养轻器械投掷能力的练习方法,可作为教学训练中的辅助手段。 (一)发展与提高肩关节、肘关节、胸、腰、脊柱、髋关节灵活性的练习方法 1.原地或走动,以肩关节为轴作两臂前后绕环(见图1)。 2.两腿分开站立与肩宽,上体有弹性地向前屈,两手摸脚尖;然后向后屈,两手摸后脚跟。开始动作幅度可小一些,然后逐渐加大(见图2)。 3.俯卧,挺胸两手握躁关节,有弹性地做反背弓
The main teaching task of light equipment throwing project is to establish the correct concept of movement, the formation of the correct action technology, the development of strength, develop the ability of various parts of the body to coordinate the effort. The following describes a group of practice training light equipment throwing ability can be used as a teaching aid in training. (A) the development and improvement of shoulder, elbow, chest, waist, spine, hip flexibilities practice methods 1. In-situ or walking around the shoulder joint axis around the arms (see Figure 1). 2. Separate legs and shoulder width, upper body flexible forward flexion, his hands touching the tiptoe; then bend back, his hands touch the heel. The beginning of the action may be smaller, and then gradually increase (see Figure 2). 3. Prone, chest and hands impatient joints, flexible to do anti-back bow