Fault Diagnosis Approach of Local Ventilation System in Coal Mines Based on Multidisciplinary Techno

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(English E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edwinshi97531
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In order to reduce the probability of fault occurrence of local ventilation system in coal mine and prevent gas from exceeding the standard limit, an approach incorporating the reliability analysis, rough set theory, genetic algorithm (GA), and intelligent decision support system (IDSS) was used to establish and develop a fault diagnosis system of local ventilation in coal mine. Fault tree model was established and its reliability analysis was performed. The algorithms and software of key fault symptom and fault diagnosis rule acquiring were also analyzed and developed. Finally, a prototype system was developed and demonstrated by a mine instance. The research results indicate that the proposed approach in this paper can accurately and quickly find the fault reason in a local ventilation system of coal mines and can reduce difficulty of the fault diagnosis of the local ventilation system, which is significant to decrease gas exploding accidents in coal mines. In order to reduce the probability of fault occurrence of local ventilation system in coal mine and prevent gas from exceeding the standard limit, an approach incorporating the reliability analysis, rough set theory, genetic algorithm (GA), and intelligent decision support system (IDSS) was used to establish and develop a fault diagnosis system of local ventilation in coal mine. Fault tree model was established and its reliability analysis was performed. The algorithms and software of key fault symptom and fault diagnosis rule acquisition were also analyzed and developed. Finally, a prototype system was developed and demonstrated by a mine instance. The research results indicate that the proposed approach in this paper can accurately and quickly find the fault reason in a local ventilation system of coal mines and can reduce difficulty of the fault diagnosis of the local ventilation system, which is significant to decrease gas exploding accidents in coal mines.
由中国社会科学院世界社会主义研究中心和社科文献出版社共同举办的《2014~2015世界社会主义黄皮书》《世界社会主义小丛书(第三辑)》发布会暨时代、霸权与历史虚无主义学术研讨会在京举行。  与会者认为,今日的霸权主义、强权政治是昔日帝国主义对外政策在新的历史条件下的延续和发展。和平是一国对本国历史的认同,发展是对历史的继承,认真研究世界社会主义500年来波澜壮阔的发展历程,就能够科学回答一些重大问
本文立足于财务管理的培养目标,以塔里木大学为例,从学生的角度调查分析财务管理实践教学体系,明确当前偏远地区高校财务管理专业在实践教学中存在的问题。 Based on the tr
1黑河源头地区的基本情况源头区祁连县位于青海省的东北部,海北藏族自治洲的西北部,东西长约280公里,南北宽约185公里,土地总面积1.39万平方公里。黑河发源于县境内,是我 1