CRFA's Activities for the Year of Chinese Language in Russia
The 60 Russian Lyrics publishedunder the auspices of the CPAFFC in2009 during the Year of Russian Lan-guage held in China has beenfavourably received. Initiated by theCPAFFC, the bilingual poetry collec-tion 60 Contemporary Chinese Poemswas published during the counterpartyear in Russia in 2010. This collec-tion of poems, edited by Zhang Tong-wu, a famous Chinese poetry theoristand Secretary General of the PoetryInstitute of China, and translated un-der the direction of the well-knowntranslator Li Yingnan, includes worksby 30 representative poets of differenthistorical periods over the past centu-ry.
The 60 Russian Lyrics publishedunder the auspices of the CPAFFC in2009 during the Year of Russian Lan-guage held in China has beenfavourably received. Initiated by theCPAFFC, the bilingual poetry collec-tion 60 Contemporary Chinese Poemswas published during the counterpartyear in Russia in 2010. This collec-tion of poems, edited by Zhang Tong-wu, a famous Chinese poetry theoristand Secretary General of the PoetryInstitute of China, and translated un-der the direction of the well-knowntranslator Li Yingnan, includes worksby 30 representative poets of differenthistorical periods over the past centu-ry.