待机屏幕任你换一般手机的待机屏幕图像都不多于十款,但这部 Marx M878手机,用户除可利用手机拍下的图片作待机屏幕外,手机也内置了廿款的屏幕图片,包括十款待机图画和十款动画给用户拣选,即使每日更换一款,也可用上大半个月之久,令屏幕观感历久常新。此外,在备有30万像素镜头,可拍640×480的 JPEG 相片外,用户也可下载 BMP、GIF、Animated GIF 和 PNG 格式的图片;铃声方面也支持 MIDI、WAVE 和iMelody 的格式乐曲,令手机的玩味得以提高。
Standby screen let you change for the average mobile phone standby screen images are not more than ten, but this Marx M878 phone, the user can use the picture taken by the phone as the standby screen, the phone also built twenty screen images, including Ten standby pictures and ten animations to the user to choose from, even if the daily replacement of a, can also be used for more than half a month, so that the screen look and feel forever new. In addition, with a 30-megapixel camera, can shoot 640 × 480 JPEG photos, the user can also download BMP, GIF, Animated GIF and PNG format images; ring tones also supports MIDI, WAVE and iMelody format music, so that the Pampering of mobile phones can be improved.