一、国际商品市场的现状及发展趋势 国际机电产品市场的发展和变化,与国际商品市场总的形势发展和市场心气有着密切的关系。1993年以来国际商品市场的需求疲弱,价格总的说来仍未能摆脱下跌的态势。其中尤以与机电产品有密切关系的有色金属价格下跌最为明显。截至1993年11月,世界有色金属的价格总的说来,较上年底下跌了19%(以美元计,下同),其中铜价甚至跌达26.2%,其他有色金属价格跌幅一般也都在10%以上。此外,石油、天然橡胶和棉花等许多原料
I. Status Quo and Development Trends of International Commodity Markets The development and changes in the international electromechanical products market have a close relationship with the overall situation of the international commodity market and the market ambition. Demand for international commodity markets has been weak since 1993, and prices have generally failed to escape the downward trend. Among them, the decline in the price of nonferrous metals, which is closely related to mechanical and electrical products, is the most obvious. As of November 1993, the world non-ferrous metals prices have dropped by 19% (in U.S. dollars, the same below) compared to the end of last year. Among them, copper prices have even fallen by 26.2%, and other non-ferrous metal prices have generally fallen by 10%. %the above. In addition, many raw materials such as petroleum, natural rubber and cotton