Patient, male, 20 years old, farmer. Eight months ago, it was found that there were “noodle-like” worms in the excrement accompanied by nausea and appetite hyperactivity and paroxysmal nocturnal angina. The patients were diagnosed as taeniasis in local hospitals and were given pumpkin seeds and betel nuts. Two insect repellent by the local doctor identified no insect head. Outdoor worms have been hand-pulled off the parasites. Turn to our hospital for treatment. Mirror stool have tapeworm egg. 3 days before taking medicine to start eating vegetarian. Given 50 grams of pumpkin seeds, crushed empty service, 2 hours after serving betel decoction (betel nut 80 grams of water and 500 ml of fried to 200 ml), and then half a hour after serving 50% 50 mg of magnesium sulfate, Indoor sitting in a warm water basin, half an hour later it will be about 4 meters long tapeworm, both ends of the bowls will be out. Follow-up after discharge, microscopic examination stool did not find tapeworm eggs. Experience whether it is the cold season or tapeworms repellent summer, should be sitting indoors in the warm water in the pest, so that parasites suitable