斑叶卫矛(Euonymus boninensis ‘Variegata’)是卫矛科卫矛属常绿阔叶灌木,多分枝,株高30~60cm,冠幅30~40cm,单叶,革质,对生,倒卵形或椭圆形,叶缘白色、具细锯齿,叶柄短。聚伞花序,常3朵组成1束,具短梗。花两性,腋生,具柄,花黄绿色。萼片和花瓣各4~5,花丝短,着生于花盘上。蒴果,常有浅裂或深裂或延展成翅,棕紫色。种子具红色假种皮,椭圆形。花期5~6月,果期9~10月。斑叶卫矛喜光,稍耐阴,耐寒,喜
Euonymus boninensis ’Variegata’ is a weever broadleaf shrub, with many branches, 30-60 cm height, 30-40 cm crown width, single leaves, leathery, opposite, obovate or elliptic Leaf margin white, serrulate, petiole short. Cymes, often composed of 1 3 bundles, with short stems. Flowers bisexual, axillary, with handle, yellowish green. Sepals and petals of 4 to 5, filaments short, was born in the face plate. Capsule, often lobed or parted or spreading into wings, brownish purple. Seeds red-cotyledons, oval. Flowering from May to June, the fruit period from September to October. Spot Ye Weiyoshi light, slightly shade, cold, hi