本文介绍了加拿大萨斯喀彻温省北部地区基湖(Key Lake)露天铀矿的排水工程设计及到目前为止该矿排水系统所取得的经验。该排水工程的水文地质勘探结果表明,大面积的松散覆盖层的含水层和下伏的渗透系数比较低的阿萨巴斯卡(Athabasca Formation)与基岩有水力联系。覆盖层中的含水层位于所设计的两个采
This article presents the design of the drainage project for the open pit uranium in Key Lake, northern Saskatchewan, Canada, and the experience gained to date by the mine drainage system. The hydrogeological survey of the drainage project shows that large areas of loose cover aquifers and underlying underlying Athabasca Formation have hydraulic connections to bedrock. The aquifer in the overburden is located in the two wells that were designed