联想拯救者家族首款高端机械游戏本——拯救者Y910在万众期待中,震撼来袭。拯救者Y910是全球第一台采用超薄RGB青轴机械键盘的游戏本,搭载了Nvidia Ge Force GTX1070 8 GB发烧级游戏独显,同时支持G-SYNC画面防撕裂技术,并且搭载了英特尔第六代酷睿Skylake 14nm i7 6820HK可超频处理器,重新定义了游戏本新旗舰。顶级配置:酣畅淋漓的玩家体验
Lenovo savior family’s first high-end mechanical game - the savior Y910 in the long-awaited, the shock struck. Save the Y910 is the world’s first ultra-thin RGB green axis mechanical keyboard game book, equipped with Nvidia GeForce GTX1070 8 GB fever-level game alone significantly, while supporting G-SYNC screen tear technology, and equipped with Intel Six generations of Corela Skylake 14nm i7 6820HK overclocking processor, redefining the game’s new flagship. Top Configuration: Hearty player experience