糯稻不但是重要的粮食作物,而且也可作医用。《本草纲目》说糯稻有“暖脾胃,止虚寒泄痢,缩小便,收自汗”作用。糯稻全株无一废物,糯米、糯米泔、糯杆、糯谷壳、糯稻根和酒糟,均可为药用。 1.久泻食减:糯米1千,水浸1.夜,沥干,慢火炒熟,研成粉。每日清晨2~3匙,加砂糖适量,沸水调成稀糊状服用。凡小孩体弱神乏,不思饮
Indica rice is not only an important food crop, but it can also be used for medical purposes. According to the “Compendium of Materia Medica,” Japonica rice has the function of “warming the spleen and the stomach, stopping the cold, expelling the sputum, reducing the stool, and receiving self-sweat.” Indica rice whole plant has no waste, glutinous rice, glutinous rice glutinous rice, glutinous rice straw, pod husk, indica rice root and vinasse, all can be used medicinally. 1. Chronic diarrhea food reduction: glutinous rice 1000, flooding 1 night, drain, fry over low heat, into a powder. 2 to 3 spoons a day in the morning, add sugar, and take boiling water to make a thin paste. Where children are weak and do not drink