11月16日,2018中国年度车评选结果在广州揭晓。作为本次年度车评选的官方合作伙伴,OSRAM欧司朗汽车照明和出席现场的50多位车企的负责人和代表,以及全国29家主流媒体的掌门人共同见证了五大奖项诞生的荣耀时刻,同时评选组委会还给欧司朗授予了“荣誉赞助商”称号,以表彰欧司朗对评选活动提供的鼎力支持。“中国年度车”由中国汽车专业媒体主编俱乐部及专业咨询公司PRIME Research共同发起,依据世界年度车评选办法
November 16, 2018 China’s annual car selection results announced in Guangzhou. As the official partner of this year’s car selection, OSRAM Osram automotive lighting and the scene attended by more than 50 car companies responsible for and representatives, as well as the head of the 29 mainstream media witnessed the glory of the five awards was born, At the same time, the Organizing Committee also awarded Osram the title of “Sponsor of Honor” in recognition of Osram’s strong support for the contest. “China Car of the Year ” was co-sponsored by PRIME Research, a magazine and editor-in-chief club of China’s auto media. According to the World Car Selection Method