China’s Other Vaccine Drive

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  A city in Inner Mongolia pioneers free HPV shots for thousands of women
  Getting a Covid-19 vaccine in China is free, and can be as simple as walking down the street to the neighborhood clinic. But protecting against other deadly viruses is not so easy: Shots against the cancer-causing human papillomavirus (HPV), for example, can cost thousands of renminbi and involve excruciatingly long waits.
  Ordos, in northern China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region, is trying to change that by offering free vaccines against two types of HPV to thousands of female residents aged between 13 and 18 years old. The city of 400,000 people is the only place in China to have such a policy, and contrasts with major urban centers like Beijing and Shanghai, where women seeking the jabs through the public health care system must pay around 329 RMB (51 USD) per shot and face up to 18-month waits, or pay thousands to skip the queues at private clinics.
  HPV is a common and highly infectious virus that can cause cervical cancer, which kills over 300,000 women worldwide each year. China has one of the highest rates of cervical cancer in the world, with 100,000 women diagnosed with the disease in 2018, and 48,000 dying from it, according to the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer.
  American pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. sold the world’s first HPV vaccine in 2006, and imported vaccines from the US and UK entered the Chinese market 10 years later. But low supplies and prohibitive costs prompted wealthier women to get the shots overseas or in Hong Kong, which attracted around 2 million HPV “vaccine tourists” each year in 2017 and 2018, according to state news agency Xinhua.
  In 2019, the National Medical Products Administration approved China’s first domestically developed HPV vaccine, which costs about half the price of imported varieties. But demand still far outstrips supply.
  Zhao Xiaoxue (pseudonym), a 25-year-old marketing professional from Fujian province, got vaccinated while she was studying in the UK in 2019, paying around 500 pounds (5,000 RMB) for three doses. “When I found out about the vaccine, there wasn’t much supply [in China]…only big cities had it,” she says. “[Getting the vaccine] was like a ‘must-do’ thing for female Chinese students in the UK.”
  China’s fledgling HPV vaccination program is hampered by a lack of public awareness. In a 2019 study of over 1,000 college students by researchers at Wuhan University, only 29.6 percent knew that HPV can cause cervical cancer. Just 33.7 percent of respondents indicated that they would choose to get HPV shots in China, with many citing concerns about vaccine safety, a lack of publicly available information, and high costs.   Ordos has a track record of pioneering women’s health policies. The HPV vaccination campaign follows a similar initiative last August in Jungar banner, a county-level jurisdiction under the city’s authority, where the local government gave free HPV shots to 10,000 girls. Ordos has also invested 30 million RMB over the past five years to offer free cervical and breast cancer screenings to women aged 35 to 64. So far, 190,000 people have taken part, according to local government figures.
  Local schools have also been arranging free HPV jabs for students. Kang Huan, a middle school teacher in Ordos, tells TWOC that all eligible girls in his class have signed up for the vaccine, with about 200 girls at his school getting their first shot in one day. Kang says parents and students were supportive of the policy: “We didn’t encounter any problems…it was like giving these girls a gift.”
  – Sam Davies
  Curtain Calls
  Following a scandal-filled summer in China’s entertainment industry, during which actress Zheng Shuang was indicted for tax evasion and singer Kris Wu arrested for rape, Chinese authorities have vowed to clean up “toxic fan culture” and better regulate celebrities’ behavior by detaining, fining, blacklisting, and banning the works of artists whose conduct violates public morality.
  As of August 1, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced they have cleaned up over 150,000 “toxic” messages and blocked over 4,000 “irregular” accounts on social media, closed over 1,300 celebrity fan groups, shut down 814 “problematic” discussion topics on Weibo, and halted 39 online fundraising campaigns for celebrities.
  The move has been applauded by many mainstream media pundits and social media users, with some even suggesting actors should have to obtain professional licenses before they can appear in films and on TV. Renowned director Jia Zhangke, though, has criticized the idea, saying it will create too many barriers for entry into acting and that “art should not have to follow a single pattern.”
  – Anita He (賀文文)
  Man Up
  As part of their efforts to “clean up” the entertainment industry, Chinese authorities are targeting TV programs and livestream accounts featuring “effeminate” male actors, with party-run newspaper Guangming Daily criticizing the “deformed aesthetics” of “little fresh meat” (baby-faced male actors) who wear makeup and clothes that “make it hard to tell whether they are male or female.”   In late August, Douyin suspended the account of influencer Feng Xiaoyi, whom users reported to the short-video platform for being “sissy,” due to “gaudy content,” though the platform denied Feng’s suspension had to do with his feminized aesthetics.
  The move echoes a similar incident in February, when China’s Ministry of Education reiterated a 2017 announcement that it will aim to develop the “masculinity” of male students by promoting more physical education and school sports to “prevent the feminization of male youths” in Chinese society. – A.H.
  Bad Banquet
  Authorities in Jinan announced that there is insufficient evidence to arrest a manager of tech company Alibaba accused of sexually assaulting a female employee on a business trip in late July, instead punishing him with 15 days of administrative detention.
  The case triggered widespread discussion on both business drinking culture and sexual assault in the workplace after the employee anonymously revealed her experience on social media, claiming that both the manager and a client assaulted her after she was forced to drink with the client. She also said that her company’s human resources department did not respond to her complaint and she handed out flyers in the company canteen to attract attention.
  Alibaba has fired the manager in question and said it will make guidelines for workplace sexual harassment. The incident also prompted several other major companies, including internet firm Sina, to update their sexual harassment policies. – A.H.
  Photographs by VCG
一个好的作家离不开他的故乡,更离不开他脚下的土地。从周祖平先生已经出版的7部散文集、诗歌集,不难发现,故乡是他文学创作的根本。三十多年来,周祖平以散文、诗歌为载体实现着对故土文山、马关的深情抒写,在打牢其自我和人性的同时,亦实现了其精神家园的胜利回归。  周祖平先生新近出版的诗集《诗意马关》,具有独有的诗歌特性,散发着故土情怀的芬芳,且具有唤醒他乡游子乡情的正能量作用,是作者“不枉为彝家汉”又一个
对故乡眷恋在古今中外都有过比较典型的描述,最为突出的是一个“愁”字。“愁”是一种对故乡的忧虑,执着和希望,直至念念不忘。古代的李煜,今天的余光中最具有代表性。其实,没有一个作家诗人在感情上离得开生养他的家园的。在现今众多的诗人群里,周祖平能够把自己对故乡的眷恋以独立的集子出现,那是很难得的。  《诗意马关》负载了作者一颗赤诚的心情,爱国爱乡的肝胆。诗集所表现出的对家乡的拳拳之心,对今天新人创作,无
诗人荷尔德林步入其诗人生涯以后,他的全部诗作都是还乡……  接近故乡就是接近万乐之源(接近极乐)。故乡最玄奥、最美丽之处恰恰在于这种对本源的接近,决非其他。所以,唯有在故乡才可亲近本源,这乃是命中注定的。正因为如此,那些被迫舍弃与本源的接近而离开故乡的人,总是感到那么惆怅悔恨。既然故乡的本质在于他接近极乐,那么还乡又意味着什么呢?  还乡就是返回与本源的亲近。  认识周祖平老师应该近10年了。那个
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