Wearable devices and IoT applications for symptom detection, infection tracking, and diffusion conta

来源 :信息与电子工程前沿(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djsnsd
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Until a safe and effective vaccine to fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus is developed and available for the global population, preventive measures, such as wearable tracking and monitoring systems supported by Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures, are valuable tools for containing the pandemic. In this review paper we analyze innovative wearable systems for limiting the virus spread, early detection of the first symptoms of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 infection, and remote monitoring of the health conditions of infected patients during the quarantine. The attention is focused on systems allowing quick user screening through ready-to-use hardware and software components. Such sensor-based systems monitor the principal vital signs, detect symptoms related to COVID-19 early, and alert patients and medical staff. Novel wearable devices for complying with social distancing rules and limiting interpersonal contagion (such as smart masks) are investigated and analyzed. In addition, an overview of implantable devices for monitoring the effects of COVID-19 on the cardiovascular system is presented. Then we report an overview of tracing strategies and technologies for containing the COVID-19 pandemic based on IoT technologies, wearable devices, and cloud computing. In detail, we demonstrate the potential of radio frequency based signal technology, including Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, and radio frequency identification (RFID), often combined with Apps and cloud technology. Finally, critical analysis and comparisons of the different discussed solutions are presented, highlighting their potential and providing new insights for developing innovative tools for facing future pandemics.
近两年来 ,航空市场受新冠疫情、旅客运输量、新技术等等因素的影响变化较大,早已偏离了2020年之前的市场趋势预测.但唯一不变的是市场和客户对于产品可靠性、安全性、可持续发展性等方面的要求.
构型管理是维修工作中的一个重要环节,构型状态的准确性和及时性将直接影响飞机的适航状态.本文介绍了基于技术资料管理系统(TDMS)搭建的构型管理系统,并针对AD状态、SB状态、IF INSTALLED类项目的系统逻辑进行说明.该系统具有更高的数字化和自动化程度,可提高构型数据管理的准确性和及时性,以及提高工程部门的工作效率.