一、理论和现实的错位:引言 在改革开放已达十五年之久的今天,回顾我国经济学的发展,可以肯定地说在许多方面都取得了一些突破性的进展。特别突出地是表现在应用经济学领域,不但从无到有建立起了许多新兴部门经济学科而且已被真正地运用到了经济实践中。例如:投入产出经济学、计量经济学、市场学等等。在经济界也掀起了一股学习、研究应用经济学的热潮。
I. The Dislocation between Theory and Reality: Introduction Today, after the reform and opening up for 15 years, reviewing the development of economics in our country can certainly be said to have made some breakthrough progress in many aspects. Particularly prominent is the performance in the field of applied economics, not only from the very establishment of many emerging departments of economics and has been really applied to economic practice. For example: input-output economics, econometrics, marketing and so on. In the economic community also set off a wave of learning and research applied economics.