Tea picking is not only related to the current season’s output and quality, but also directly affects the growth and development of tea trees and long-term high yield, stable yield, high quality. Therefore must be based on the growth characteristics of tea at different stages and people’s needs, because of time, due to local conditions, due to tree picking. 1, picking different standards of tea have different picking standards. Generally divided into tender mining, moderate mining and crude mining three. 1. Delicate mining: refers to the germination of leaves bud early exhibition 1-2 leaves when picked. Fresh leaves delicate, used to make famous tea. Such as Huangshan Super Maofeng, Yuexi Cuilan and other famous tea. 2. Moderate mining: shoots stretched to a certain extent, when the leaves 3 to 4 pieces taken when a bud 2 to 3 leaves or delicate leaves on the folder, this mining