Nike Air Force 1和 Force 系列运动鞋198 诞生以来,不仅仅体现了篮球运动的灵魂,强大的影响力也使其在全球成为经典。Air Force 初因美国球员而闻名,并一直带有这些球员的印记。随着它开始进入各个城市,篮球文化也被世界各地。为向世界经典的 Force 运动鞋致敬,并将它所蕴创新精神进一步发扬光大,近日 Nike 推出了灵感来源于七个不同国家城市的 AF1和 AF25秒款,它们细致而又夺目的特色设计,使 Force 在全球留下了不可磨灭的经典形象。
Since the birth of the Nike Air Force 1 and Force series sports shoes 198, it has not only reflected the soul of basketball, but also has made it a classic in the world. The Air Force was first known for American players and has always had the mark of these players. As it began to enter various cities, basketball culture has also been around the world. To pay tribute to the world’s classic Force sneakers and further promote its spirit of innovation, recently Nike launched the AF1 and AF25 seconds inspired by seven different national cities, their detailed and eye-catching features designed to force Force In the world left an indelible classic image.