In order to clarify the genetic basis of resistance to powdery mildew in wheat cultivars, the F2 population of F2 generation of red mulberry and Yumai13 were analyzed. The results showed that the red mulberry wheat had one dominant dominant powdery mildew resistance gene Named Pmhym). The SSR marker and F2 segregation population segregant analysis were used to locate the gene on the long arm of chromosome 7B and linked to three microsatellite markers Xwmc232, Xgwm577 and Xwmc526 with genetic distances of 14.3, 25.6 and 57.2 cM, respectively. Molecular marker analysis showed that this gene was different from the Pm5 series multiple alleles that have been mapped on 7BL. Therefore, Pmhym was speculated to be a new powdery mildew resistance gene. These results will lay the foundation for the fine mapping of Pmhym gene.