2013年,初步建立起覆盖全省、服务到村的基层水利服务体系,大幅提升了水行政执法、水利工程质量管理、农村水利工程管护、防汛抗旱救灾等涉水服务保障水平。——全面加强乡镇水利服务站和村级管理队伍建设。一是健全机构。全省40个县(市)812个乡镇水利服务站划归县级水利部门统一管理,人员经费列入县级财政预算,划转水利站人员2 816人,占编制总数的91%。开展了13个市辖区基层服务体系建设试点工作。选聘村级水管员8 920人、小型水库库管员
In 2013, a grassroots water conservancy service system covering the entire province and serving the village was initially established, greatly improving the level of water service guarantee such as water administration enforcement, quality management of water conservancy projects, management of rural water conservancy projects, and flood control, drought relief and disaster relief. - To comprehensively strengthen the construction of township water conservancy service stations and village management teams. First, improve the body. 812 township water conservancy service stations in 40 counties (cities) of the province are under the unified management of the county-level water conservancy department, and their funds are included in the county-level budgets. There are 2,816 people transferred to water conservancy stations, accounting for 91% of the total. Launched 13 municipal districts grassroots service system construction pilot work. 8 920 village water officers were recruited and small reservoir managers were recruited