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2014年10月16日至11月17日,浙江省文物考古研究所与庆元县文物管理委员会办公室联合对庆元县唐代黄坛窑址进行了抢救性考古发掘。本次发掘清理出唐代残窑炉1座、灰坑1处,出土大量瓷片和窑具标本,为黄坛窑址及与周边地区窑址对比研究提供了宝贵资料。 October 16, 2014 to November 17, 2014, Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology and Qingyuan County Cultural Relics Management Office jointly conducted a Qingyuan County Tang Dynasty Huang Tan site of a rescue archaeological excavation. The excavation clean out the Tang Dynasty residue furnace 1, 1 ash pits, unearthed a large number of ceramic tiles and kiln specimens for the Huangtan kiln sites and the surrounding kiln sites provide valuable information.