徐×,女,14岁,浙江人,住院号86249 因高度恐惧频繁抽风1小时,于76年12月26日上午11点25分急诊入院。患儿因患Ⅱ型肺结核近二个月连续服用抗痨药物。于今日被斥之服药,其性固辟,晨八时口服异菸肼20片,(每片0.1克),约2小时后,其母发现患儿四肢阵阵强直,胸闷,恶心,伴非喷射状呕吐,吐物为胃所纳之物,周身发麻,双目睁圆视窗,突然大声喊叫,意识不清,随即抽动不止,面色青灰,二便无失禁,急诊入院。
Xu ×, female, 14 years old, Zhejiang, inpatient 86249 Due to a high degree of fear of frequent ventilation for 1 hour, on December 26, 76 at 11:25 am emergency admission. Children suffering from type Ⅱ tuberculosis in the past two months continuous taking anti-tuberculosis drugs. After being denounced for taking medicine for 20 days, her sexual solid was served as 20 tablets of isoniazid orally at 8am (about 0.1g per tablet). After about 2 hours, her mother found her ankylosis, chest tightness, nausea and nausea Spit-like vomiting, spit things for the stomach, the whole body numb, eyes wide open window, suddenly shouted, unconscious, then twitching more, looking blue and gray, two no incontinence, emergency admission.