我们对 196 3年 2月~ 1998年 10月经手术治疗和病检切片证实的小儿体表软组织淋巴管瘤 112例的临床资料进行总结 ,并对手术治疗中几个问题加以讨论。临床资料1.一般资料 :112例中 ,男 6 2例 ,女 49例 ;最小年龄为 5 0天 ,最大的为14岁 ,平均 5 .75岁。病变范围最小为0 .6cm?
We retrospectively reviewed the clinical data of 112 cases of pediatric soft tissue lymphangioma of the surface of the body from February 1993 to October 1998 confirmed by surgery and biopsy and discussed several issues in the surgical treatment. Clinical data 1. General information: 112 cases, 62 males and 49 females; the minimum age of 50 days, the largest of 14 years old, with an average of 5.75 years old. Lesion minimum range of 0 .6 cm?