目的探讨儿童变应性鼻炎(AR)中肺炎支原体(Mp)感染发生率及相关治疗策略。方法 2014年2月-2016年1月某三甲医院儿科就诊的年龄<18岁的AR患儿共107人,均进行Mp抗体Ig M、抗链球菌溶血素O(ASO)、血常规、心肌标志物、胸片正位、心电图、结核菌素试验(PPD)检查。合并Mp感染给予阿奇霉素抗感染治疗,同时合并心肌损害患儿给予营养心肌治疗。结果 107例患儿,男57例,女50例,年龄3岁1个月~17岁,病程7天~1年。Mp阳性81例(占75.7%),ASO升高21例(占19.6%),白细胞总数升高的10例(占9.3%),CRP升高的17例(占15.9%),心肌标志物升高的22例(占20.6%),胸片显示为片状模糊影20例(占18.7%),双肺纹理增粗、肺门影增浓81例(占75.7%),心电图ST-T异常37例(占34.6%);诊断为肺炎的20例(占18.7%),支气管炎81例(占75.7%),合并心肌损害37例(占34.6%)。结论儿童AR患儿合并Mp感染比率较高;AR合并Mp感染患儿,在正规治疗AR同时,加用阿奇霉素治疗可以明显改善症状和体征,获得满意疗效。
Objective To investigate the incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Mp) infection in children with allergic rhinitis (AR) and related treatment strategies. Methods A total of 107 AR children aged <18 years old from January 2014 to January 2016 were enrolled in this study. All of the patients were evaluated for Mp antibody IgM, anti-streptolysin O (ASO), blood routine, myocardial markers Objects, chest X-ray, electrocardiogram, tuberculin test (PPD) check. Merged with Mp infection azithromycin anti-infective treatment, combined with myocardial damage in children given nutritional cardiomyopathy. Results 107 cases of children, 57 males and 50 females, aged 3 years 1 month to 17 years, duration of 7 days to 1 year. Mp positive in 81 cases (75.7%), ASO increased in 21 cases (19.6%), white blood cells increased in 10 cases (9.3%), CRP increased in 17 cases (15.9%), myocardial markers Twenty-two cases (20.6%) were high, 20 cases (18.7%) had thickened chest film, thicker bilateral lungs and 81 cases (75.7% 37 cases (34.6%); 20 cases (18.7%) diagnosed as pneumonia, 81 cases (75.7%) with bronchitis and 37 cases (34.6%) with myocardial damage. Conclusions Children with AR have a higher Mp infection rate. In children with AR and Mp infection, AR and azithromycin treatment can significantly improve symptoms and signs and achieve satisfactory results.