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1922年第一次直奉战争结束后,吴佩孚为了压制冯玉祥,将其由河南督军调任陆军检阅使,驻兵近畿。冯玉祥一抵北京,即组建陆军检阅使署于南苑。该署编制系参照巡阅使署编制而制订,职权较前有所下降。正因该署是个“闲职”,冯玉祥遂抓住有利时机,于任内干了几件惊天动地的大事,大多为人们所称道。及至1924年第二次直奉战争结束,张作霖气焰嚣张,段祺瑞仰其鼻息,排斥异己,冯玉祥以环境恶劣,毅然辞去陆军检阅使,专任西北边防督办。此后,他致力于经营西北,扩充实力,并于不久投身于国民革命。 After the first direct war in 1922, Wu Peifu tried to suppress Feng Yuxiang, transferred it to the army for inspection by the Henan warlord, and stationed Kinki. Feng Yuxiang arrived in Beijing, that is, the formation of the Army to review the Department in Nanyuan. The establishment of the Department is based on a tour of the Department to prepare and formulate the terms of reference declined. Because of the Department’s “idleness,” Feng Yuxiang seized favorable opportunities. During his tenure, he made a few earth-shattering events, most of which were praised by people. Until the second straight war in 1924, Chang Tso-lin arrogantly arrogant, Duan Qirui admired his displeasure and disparaged himself. Feng Yuxiang resigned from the army to inspect him and was appointed as the Northwest Frontier Supervisor. Since then, he has devoted himself to running the northwest and expanding his strength, and soon devoted himself to the national revolution.