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2012~2013年及2013~2014年,在印度达尔瓦德农业科学大学的农业研究总站开展了变性土旱作条件下不同施钾水平对杂交抗虫棉MRC-7351影响的试验。试验设9个处理,各3次重复,随机完全区组排列。按超过推荐剂量的50%基施钾肥5 kg/亩,可使产量增加13.4%。在生殖生长期(播种后70、90、110天)叶面施用硝酸钾(KNO_3),产量增量提高一倍。叶柄的钾浓度与籽棉产量高度相关,表明其具有作为植物含钾量监测工具的潜力。植物含钾量的提高也促进了对其他大量元素及微量元素的吸收,说明根系的吸收能力得到提高。然而目前土壤施用钾肥的效率(20%)较低,需要改变钾肥施用方式,如可按作物的生长期分批施用全年剂量的钾肥。根据需要,叶面施肥有助于改善植株生殖生长期的缺素症。因此,钾肥提高棉花生产的潜力已得到明确的证明,但该潜力还远未被充分利用。为保证生产赢利,棉花种植者或许需要将传统的土壤施肥体系转变为包含土壤施肥和叶面施肥在内的集成化施肥体系。 In 2012-2013 and 2013 ~ 2014, experiments were carried out at the Agricultural Research Station of Dalwal University of Agricultural Sciences in India to investigate the effects of different potassium levels on the hybrid cotton MRC-7351 under the conditions of denaturalized soil dryland. Experiment set 9 treatments, each 3 repetitions, random complete block arrangement. According to more than 50% of the recommended dose of potassium fertilizer 5 kg / acre, the output can be increased by 13.4%. Foliar application of potassium nitrate (KNO 3) during reproductive growth (70, 90, 110 days after seeding) resulted in a doubling of yield. Potassium concentration in petiole is highly correlated with seed cotton yield, indicating its potential as a tool for monitoring potassium in plants. Increasing the potassium content of plants also contributed to the absorption of other macronutrients and trace elements, indicating an increase in root absorption capacity. However, at present, the efficiency of applying potassium fertilizer to the soil is relatively low (20%), and the application mode of potassium fertilizer needs to be changed. For example, potash fertilizer of annual amount can be applied in batches according to the growth period of the crop. According to the needs of foliar fertilization helps to reduce plant reproductive growth of deficiency. Therefore, the potential of potash to increase cotton production has been clearly demonstrated, but the potential is far from being fully utilized. To ensure profitable production, cotton growers may need to transform traditional soil fertilization systems into integrated fertilization systems that include soil fertilization and foliar fertilization.
<正> 一、单段蒸发汽水分离系统(一)以简单机械分离元件作为一次分离元件(以F-65/39-P/1型、瑞典SMV型及SG-400/140-555型锅炉为例): 1.中压锅炉:以F-65/39-p/1型锅炉为例,系
<正>一、局部阻力系数:见表F。一。表F。一l 局部阻力系数分散引入和引出的分配或集流箱沿联箱纵向管排不超过10行时的端部或角式(侧面)引入生配联箱同上,但沿联箱管排大于15