描述了用微电子工艺技术成功研制硅多条探测器的制备工艺技术及测试结果。这种探测器的灵敏面积为50mm×20mm。P掺杂面被等分成相互平行的,长度为20mm,宽度为3mm的16硅条,相邻条之间的间距为140μm。当探测器工作在全耗尽偏压下,每一条的反向漏电流的典型值<2nA。对239Pu α粒子的能量分辨为0.5%~0.9%,相邻条之间的相互影响(crosstalk)为4%~8%。
Describes the use of microelectronics technology successfully developed multi-detector silicon technology and test results. The sensitive area of this detector is 50mm × 20mm. The P-doped face is equally divided into 16 silicon stripes parallel to each other, having a length of 20 mm and a width of 3 mm, with a pitch of 140 μm between adjacent stripes. The reverse leakage current of each is typically <2nA when the detector is operating at fully depleted bias. The energy resolution for 239Pu alpha particles is between 0.5% and 0.9%, and the crosstalk between adjacent stripes is between 4% and 8%.