
来源 :科学大众.中学生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haolong12345
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2005年最新统计数据表明,在中国每5分钟就有一人丧身车轮,每1分钟都会有一人因为交通事故而伤残。每年因交通事故所造成的经济损失达数百亿元。为了减少事故的发生,我们的小作者可谓用尽脑筋,下面让我们来欣赏一下他们的大作吧。 According to the latest statistics in 2005, one in five minutes in China lost one’s wheel and every one minute, one person would be disabled because of a traffic accident. Every year, economic losses caused by traffic accidents amount to tens of billions of yuan. In order to reduce the occurrence of accidents, our young authors have exhausted their brains. Let us now appreciate their masterpieces.