1964年10月16日15时整,新疆罗布泊地区金光喷发,火球凌空,一阵山呼海啸的巨响震撼大地,一团蘑菇云腾空而起,霎时间,那片天空云蒸霞蔚。中国自己设计制造的第一颗原子弹爆炸成功了! 当人们关注着中国的西北角那些原子弹的研制者时,也许人们还不知道,在当年秘密开进原子弹试验场的万名将士中,还有一支活跃的“娘子军”。尽管她们
At 1600 hours on October 16, 1964, the golden light erupted in the Lop Nur area in Xinjiang. When the fireball volley came, the loud noise of the tsunami called the mountain shook the earth. A swarm of mushroom clouds soared into space. All of a sudden, the sky was steeped in cloudiness. China’s own design and manufacture of the first atomic bomb was a success! When people pay attention to those who developed atomic bombs in the northwest corner of China, people may not know yet. Among the 10,000 men who clandestinely walked into the atomic bomb test field that year, there was also an active “lady army.” Despite them