出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的Andy Kehoe,从纽约帕森设计学院毕业,现在是一名出色的插画师兼摄影师。之所以说他出色,是因为他的作品个性十足,具有很高的辨识度。森林和野兽是Andy经常选取的素材,然而与众不同的是,他笔下的景物仿佛秋天的童话一般。或许是摄影师的直觉,Andy对于光影极为敏感,插画中的色调被表现得极为丰富、细腻而富有层次感。他喜欢用怀旧式的黄色氤氲,给绘画作品打出一圈半旧色系的背景,
Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Andy Kehoe graduated from Parsons School of Design in New York and is now a brilliant illustrator and photographer. The reason why he is good is because his works are full of personality and have a high degree of recognition. Forests and beasts are the material that Andy often chooses, but what makes the difference is that what he describes as a fairy tale in the autumn. Perhaps the photographer’s instinct, Andy is extremely sensitive to light and shade, the colors in his illustration are shown to be extremely rich, delicate and richly layered. He likes to use the nostalgic yellow coy, hit the circle of semi-old color background to the painting works,