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[目的]分析三次全国死因回顾调查白血病死亡分布的规律及变化情况,为相关部门开展白血病防治规划工作提供科学依据。[方法]对1973~2005年间三次覆盖全国1/10人口的多阶段分层随机整群死因回顾性抽样调查资料白血病部分的死亡情况进行分析,揭示变化规律。[结果]我国白血病死亡率90年代初较70年代中期在上升,中国标准化死亡率20年增幅为41.20%,90年代初期到21世纪初变化不大。城市上升幅度略低于农村,城乡死亡率的比例由70年代的1.20∶1下降为1.13∶1。白血病死亡率年龄别曲线表现出婴儿(0~1岁)、儿童(14~19岁)和老年人(70~84岁)三个高峰。近30年各年龄段变化趋势表现为除25~29岁年龄组下降了13.48%外,其余年龄组均呈上升趋势,从30岁开始,年龄越大,死亡率的增长幅度越大,至80~84岁增幅达到最高为468.47%。[结论]近30年白血病死亡率前20年上升明显,后10年略有下降。婴儿、儿童和老年人是死亡率较高的人群,尤其是60岁以上的老年人死亡率增幅过大,加强对老年人的白血病防治工作刻不容缓。 [Objective] To analyze the laws and changes of the death distribution of leukemia in three retrospective national death causes, and provide scientific basis for the relevant departments to carry out the prevention and treatment of leukemia. [Methods] A retrospective sample survey of multi-stage stratified randomized cohort causes of death from leukemia was conducted to analyze the changing regularity of leukemia among the three times covering the whole nation from 1973 to 2005. [Results] The mortality rate of leukemia in China increased from the mid-1970s to the mid-1970s. The standardized mortality rate in China increased by 41.20% in 20 years, but little changed from the early 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century. The rate of increase in urban areas was slightly lower than that in rural areas, and the ratio of urban-rural mortality dropped from 1.20: 1 in the 1970s to 1.13: 1. The age-specific curve for leukemia mortality shows three peaks: infants (0-1 years), children (14-19 years) and the elderly (70-84 years). In the past 30 years, the change trend of all age groups showed that except for the age group of 25-29, it dropped by 13.48%, the other age groups showed an upward trend. From the age of 30, the greater the age, the greater the increase of death rate to 80 ~ 84 years old the highest increase of 468.47%. [Conclusion] The mortality rate of leukemia in the recent 30 years increased significantly in the first 20 years and slightly decreased in the last 10 years. Infants, children and the elderly are those with higher mortality rates. In particular, the mortality rate of the elderly over the age of 60 has been greatly increased. It is imperative to step up prevention and treatment of leukemia in the elderly.
<正> 精神病人是一类特殊的人群,需要为他们创造一个整洁、安静、舒适的环境,对他们生理的、心理的、社会的需要也应尽量满足。现就我院改革一年多来的病区管理分述如下: 一