调查也历经千难万险。李晓方说,首先想找到这些老人就很难。她们或居住于边远地区,或隐没于城市人海之中。一些偏远的地区,没有公交车,只通摩托,或是牛车、驴车。劳顿、辛苦不说,也很危险。还有,一些老人,尤其是新“发现”的慰安妇,就算找到了,也不愿轻易开口。有的事先联系好了,愿意说,但急急忙忙、不远千里赶到那里,老人又改了主意,不想说了。 “回忆那段曾经的惨痛经历,对这些老人来说是一种痛苦,也是一种折磨。”李晓方说:“2007年冬天,我从媒体上看到南京有一位慰安妇‘证人’雷桂英勇敢地站了出来,就立即赶往南京,见到了雷桂英。此后不到半年,这位‘活证人’就离开了人世。”
I had long since wanted to write about Li Xiaofang and his historical photos, but the topic seemed too horrible. Ultimately, I sat down with him at his home in Hangzhou on a December day last year and talked about the war of horror about 80 years ago and its victims and survivors.
“For most Chinese people, the germ warfare staged in China by Japanese aggressors is a remote and tiny fact in the books about the atrocities of the war. It is thought that it is a fact buried deeply in remote history. Few people know that two kinds of Chinese victims of the germ warfare have survived,” said Li Xiaofang.
He has published a book on the victims who survived and suffered endless pain of anthrax and glanders. Some of these victims are still alive.
Li Xiaofang first came to know about the victims in 1995. Born in the 1970s, he was working in the military first as a paramedic before turning to photography. One day in 1995, he ran into a set of photos by a photographer who used to work with him in the army. The photos told a story about a family tragedy. The mother was infected by the germs spread by Japanese troops and her three children got infected through their mother. They survived, but their life was hell. Li Xiaofang was shocked by the atrocity of the germ warfare and the pain the victims endured. He learned that the place around the military base where he was stationed had been invaded and looted by Japanese soldiers in World War Two. As a photojournalist, he began investigating to see if he could find anything and any victims. Whenever he had time, he visited villages and chatted with people about the past.
One day, he ran into a man in his seventies. The grandpa showed his legs to the young photographer. “My legs began rotting shortly after the Japanese soldiers left. Back then, in our village and neighboring villages a few kilometers away from here, a lot of people suffered from the disease. People got rotting legs, rotting faces and rotting noses. Many people died pretty soon and survivors suffered lifelong pain,” explained the grandpa.
Li did not know exactly what kind of germs could create such lifelong ugly ulcerating. He took photographs and did research.
As data accumulated, he found that those who were suffering from ulcerating in the legs were about 70 years of age and they got infected in a period that lasted from July to September 1942. Before then, none in the region had seen such a rotting case. With the historical literature that had accumulated over the decades after World War II, Li concluded that these old people’s ulceration in the legs was caused by the anthrax spread by Japanese troops. In 2002, three American experts visited Jinhua in central Zhejiang and did a field study in a village known to many people as a village of rotten legs. They arrived at the same conclusion.
Li Xiaofang made up his mind to build a photo record of the horror and expose the little known anti-human monstrosity to the whole world. In 2002, he raised over 40,000 yuan and bought a high-class camera for taking better quality photos.
In October 2002, he came to Xiayang Village in Jinhua City. He was directed to the most dilapidated house in the village. Pushing the door open, he was overwhelmed by stench and buzzing flies. In the dark room lit by a weak lamp, he saw an old man moaning loudly with his hands on the thigh. The part under the knee was missing, blood dripping and rotten flesh on the ground. The old man was Hua Qingyun. He got infected at the age of 20 after getting firewood in the mountain with his father. His father died five years later. His legs ulcerated so badly that he was not able to make a living. His mother took care of him. After his mother passed away, he lived on a subsidy provided by the village. A week before Li Xiaofang arrived, a leg which had ulcerated 60 years dropped from the thigh. The leg was thrown into a toilet. A week later, Hua Qingyun passed away. Li Xiaofang told me in the interview that he had been racing against time in the years. His investigation brought him to many villages around Jinhua and the remark he heard most was, “You are too late, young man. Most of them are dead now.”
Li Xiaofang said some victims were unwilling to let the world know they were victims. They considered the ulceration a disgrace. They’d rather keep the pain and memory buried. Li Meitou, a germ warfare victim in Chicha Village in Jiangshan, a county-level city in southwester Zhejiang, got infected at 15. Most of the victims in her village died. She never told anyone about the ulceration in the legs and she wore long socks all the year round. Her family said no to the photojournalist’s request for a photo shoot and an interview. Li Meitou agreed and let Li Xiaofang photo and interview her without letting her family know.
In Shangxitou Village, a victim named Yang Chunlian committed suicide in her old age as she didn’t want to be a burden on her family.
From 1995 to 2005, Li Xiaofang visited eight hundred villages along the Zhejiang-Jiangxi (Zhe-Gan) Railway and found 240 survivors of anthrax and glanders. By the time the book finally came out in May 2005, one third had passed away.
After the publication of the investigation results of germ warfare victims in Zhejiang and Jiangxi, Li Xiaofang did not stop his investigation into other war crimes committed by Japanese aggressors in China.
In December 2016, he published a book that records 67 surviving comfort women in China. Their stories are heartbreakingly sad. In order to make his investigations best known to the world, he set up at his own expense a website www.ww2china.com to display the photos, texts, and objects he has collected.
“What I do is not for hatred. I want truth. I want an authentic record of the history. I call for world peace,” he commented. His biggest wish is to see a memorial museum for victims and survivors come into being as soon as possible.
调查也历经千难万险。李晓方说,首先想找到这些老人就很难。她们或居住于边远地区,或隐没于城市人海之中。一些偏远的地区,没有公交车,只通摩托,或是牛车、驴车。劳顿、辛苦不说,也很危险。还有,一些老人,尤其是新“发现”的慰安妇,就算找到了,也不愿轻易开口。有的事先联系好了,愿意说,但急急忙忙、不远千里赶到那里,老人又改了主意,不想说了。 “回忆那段曾经的惨痛经历,对这些老人来说是一种痛苦,也是一种折磨。”李晓方说:“2007年冬天,我从媒体上看到南京有一位慰安妇‘证人’雷桂英勇敢地站了出来,就立即赶往南京,见到了雷桂英。此后不到半年,这位‘活证人’就离开了人世。”
I had long since wanted to write about Li Xiaofang and his historical photos, but the topic seemed too horrible. Ultimately, I sat down with him at his home in Hangzhou on a December day last year and talked about the war of horror about 80 years ago and its victims and survivors.
“For most Chinese people, the germ warfare staged in China by Japanese aggressors is a remote and tiny fact in the books about the atrocities of the war. It is thought that it is a fact buried deeply in remote history. Few people know that two kinds of Chinese victims of the germ warfare have survived,” said Li Xiaofang.
He has published a book on the victims who survived and suffered endless pain of anthrax and glanders. Some of these victims are still alive.
Li Xiaofang first came to know about the victims in 1995. Born in the 1970s, he was working in the military first as a paramedic before turning to photography. One day in 1995, he ran into a set of photos by a photographer who used to work with him in the army. The photos told a story about a family tragedy. The mother was infected by the germs spread by Japanese troops and her three children got infected through their mother. They survived, but their life was hell. Li Xiaofang was shocked by the atrocity of the germ warfare and the pain the victims endured. He learned that the place around the military base where he was stationed had been invaded and looted by Japanese soldiers in World War Two. As a photojournalist, he began investigating to see if he could find anything and any victims. Whenever he had time, he visited villages and chatted with people about the past.
One day, he ran into a man in his seventies. The grandpa showed his legs to the young photographer. “My legs began rotting shortly after the Japanese soldiers left. Back then, in our village and neighboring villages a few kilometers away from here, a lot of people suffered from the disease. People got rotting legs, rotting faces and rotting noses. Many people died pretty soon and survivors suffered lifelong pain,” explained the grandpa.
Li did not know exactly what kind of germs could create such lifelong ugly ulcerating. He took photographs and did research.
As data accumulated, he found that those who were suffering from ulcerating in the legs were about 70 years of age and they got infected in a period that lasted from July to September 1942. Before then, none in the region had seen such a rotting case. With the historical literature that had accumulated over the decades after World War II, Li concluded that these old people’s ulceration in the legs was caused by the anthrax spread by Japanese troops. In 2002, three American experts visited Jinhua in central Zhejiang and did a field study in a village known to many people as a village of rotten legs. They arrived at the same conclusion.
Li Xiaofang made up his mind to build a photo record of the horror and expose the little known anti-human monstrosity to the whole world. In 2002, he raised over 40,000 yuan and bought a high-class camera for taking better quality photos.
In October 2002, he came to Xiayang Village in Jinhua City. He was directed to the most dilapidated house in the village. Pushing the door open, he was overwhelmed by stench and buzzing flies. In the dark room lit by a weak lamp, he saw an old man moaning loudly with his hands on the thigh. The part under the knee was missing, blood dripping and rotten flesh on the ground. The old man was Hua Qingyun. He got infected at the age of 20 after getting firewood in the mountain with his father. His father died five years later. His legs ulcerated so badly that he was not able to make a living. His mother took care of him. After his mother passed away, he lived on a subsidy provided by the village. A week before Li Xiaofang arrived, a leg which had ulcerated 60 years dropped from the thigh. The leg was thrown into a toilet. A week later, Hua Qingyun passed away. Li Xiaofang told me in the interview that he had been racing against time in the years. His investigation brought him to many villages around Jinhua and the remark he heard most was, “You are too late, young man. Most of them are dead now.”
Li Xiaofang said some victims were unwilling to let the world know they were victims. They considered the ulceration a disgrace. They’d rather keep the pain and memory buried. Li Meitou, a germ warfare victim in Chicha Village in Jiangshan, a county-level city in southwester Zhejiang, got infected at 15. Most of the victims in her village died. She never told anyone about the ulceration in the legs and she wore long socks all the year round. Her family said no to the photojournalist’s request for a photo shoot and an interview. Li Meitou agreed and let Li Xiaofang photo and interview her without letting her family know.
In Shangxitou Village, a victim named Yang Chunlian committed suicide in her old age as she didn’t want to be a burden on her family.
From 1995 to 2005, Li Xiaofang visited eight hundred villages along the Zhejiang-Jiangxi (Zhe-Gan) Railway and found 240 survivors of anthrax and glanders. By the time the book finally came out in May 2005, one third had passed away.
After the publication of the investigation results of germ warfare victims in Zhejiang and Jiangxi, Li Xiaofang did not stop his investigation into other war crimes committed by Japanese aggressors in China.
In December 2016, he published a book that records 67 surviving comfort women in China. Their stories are heartbreakingly sad. In order to make his investigations best known to the world, he set up at his own expense a website www.ww2china.com to display the photos, texts, and objects he has collected.
“What I do is not for hatred. I want truth. I want an authentic record of the history. I call for world peace,” he commented. His biggest wish is to see a memorial museum for victims and survivors come into being as soon as possible.