等距曲面法是针对圆柱滚子从动件凸轮廓面综合的新方法 ,几何意义明确 ,综合过程简单。从建立柔性凸轮CAD系统的角度出发 ,研究了等距曲面综合过程的自动化问题。由于将理论廓面上法向量的求解提前到理论廓面综合之前进行 ,使得等距曲面的自动综合成为可能。该自动综合模型在数学模型上将计算机运算和等距曲面解析求解结合起来 ,实现了凸轮廓面综合过程的自动化 ,从而将设计者从繁琐的公式推导中解脱出来。
Isometric surface method is a new method of integrating the cam profile of the cylindrical roller follower. The geometric meaning is clear and the synthesis process is simple. From the perspective of establishing flexible cam CAD system, the automation of integrated process of equidistant surfaces is studied. Since the solution of the normal vector on the theoretical profile is advanced before the synthesis of the theoretical profile, the automatic synthesis of the equidistant surface is made possible. The automatic synthesis model combines computer arithmetic and isometric surface analysis solution in the mathematical model to realize the automation of the integrated process of the cam profile so that the designer can be freed from cumbersome formula derivation.