It is well-known that the transforming gene (v-onc) of the RNA tumor virus is derived from the genes of normal cells. These genes have been preserved in the long-term evolution of vertebrates. These genes in the normal genome of vertebrates are called proto-oncogenes. It can be converted to an active oncogene (conc) to induce and maintain cell transformation. The overexpression of a v-onc gene is associated with induced transformation. In addition, chronic leukemia viruses can develop leukemia after a longer incubation period by embedding their genome in the host DNA. The chimeric point here is upstream in the direction of c-onc, thus causing an increase in the transcription of this c-onc gene. Since the c-onc gene is much like its corresponding viral gene (v-onc), its abnormal expression or irregular expression may induce human tumors in some way. To illustrate the possible role of oncogenes in tumor growth and differentiation, the authors used gel Northern blotting techniques to analyze various