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斯凯岛可以说是苏格兰最大、最美和最富有传奇色彩的岛屿。岛上那雄伟的山脉、荒凉的沼泽、宁静的湖泊和迷人的海岸线,绮丽的风光、凛冽的空气、纯朴的人民,让那里的一切充满了浪漫、粗犷、孤寂的自然美,这些对游客来说自然有着无法抗拒的吸引力。在多雨水的斯凯岛,一天当中就可以经历从晴空万里到大雨瓢泼等各种气候。当雨过天晴后光线穿破云层撒向整个岛屿时,一切都变得戏剧且迷人;而到冬天,这里的光线呈现出纯液体般的金币状,小岛上每一样东西都值得用镜头去捕捉。这种变幻莫测的天气使得斯凯岛拥有“迷雾中的岛屿”的美称(凯尔特语)。 Isle of Skye can be said to be Scotland’s largest, most beautiful and most legendary islands. The island’s majestic mountains, desolate swamps, tranquil lakes and charming coastline, beautiful scenery, cold air, simple people, where everything is full of romantic, rugged, lonely natural beauty, which for tourists Nature has an irresistible appeal. In the rainy island of Skye, one day you can experience a variety of weather from the skies to heavy rain pouring. Everything became dramatic and enchanting when the light shone through the clouds when it was raining and the whole island was sprinkled with clouds. In the winter, the light was purely liquid gold, and everything on the island deserved to be shot To catch. This unpredictable weather makes Isle of Skye have the nickname “The Island in the Mist” (Celtic).