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苏霍姆林斯基是国际上著名的教育实践家和教育理论家,他的教育思想博大精深,尤其他在转变“差生”方面,不但有令人信服的理论,而且也是一位成功转变“差生”的教育实践大师。他从事教育事业35年,教过语文和生物,他曾让107名“在发展上有重大障碍”的学生都成为“充分够格的有教养的人”。 Sukhomlinski is an internationally renowned educational practitioner and educational theorist. His educational philosophy is profound and profound. In particular, he has not only convincing theories about changing “poor students”, but also a successful transformation “Poor students ” master of educational practice. He has taught education for 35 years and taught languages ​​and biology. He has given 107 “educated people who are qualified as major obstacles in development” to “qualified and educated people.”
初中教材中入选的文言文,大多是文质兼美的经典美文。如果能引导学生穿越时空,感受经典古文的魅力;披文入情,聆听古圣先贤的心声,对于学生提高阅读鉴赏能力、写作能力都大有裨益。如何能在教学中,使用多种有效的教学策略,激发学生的学习兴趣,品味这些文章的语言美、内涵美,是值得语文教师在实践中不断摸索探讨的课题。笔者在教学中进行了一些尝试,取得了较好的教学效果。  一、灵活生动的课堂教学策略  (一)画图——