当我们扪心自问:诺基亚代表什么?——人性;摩托罗拉代表什么?——科技;三星手机代表什么?——数码;那么LG是什么?微波炉?冰箱?冷气?洗衣机?还有呢?现在的疑问就是当时我们面临的最大课题: 1.LG涉足的产品领域广泛,每个子品牌各有自己不同的形象定位,如何处理LG移动电话的形象? 2.较晚进入中国手机市场的LG,如何在国内激烈竞争的环境中,快速树立品牌、抢占市场?
When we ask ourselves: what does Nokia stand for? - human nature; what does Motorola stand for? - technology; what does Samsung’s mobile phone represent? - digital; what is LG? Microwave oven? Refrigerator? Air conditioner? Washing machine? At that time, we faced the biggest issues: 1.LG involved in a wide range of products, each sub-brand has its own different image positioning, how to handle the image of the LG mobile phone? 2. Late into the Chinese mobile phone market, LG, how intense domestic Competitive environment, quickly establish a brand, to seize the market?